- Eye for an i ! !: Back in the day - Part 1 . . . the "wee days"

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Back in the day - Part 1 . . . the "wee days"

This will be a series of posts, that chronicle the life of mellow

- My childhood , ( from what I remember) was just as a child should have. I remember growing up in a busy house. My parents were married, and I have 3 brothers & 1 sister. We lived in a smalll town. One of my brother's friends, or my sister's friends lived with us at some point. I am the youngest of 5, with a 9 year difference between me and my brother, (we'll call him FREEZE). Now FREEZE felt compelled to show me HIS way. He would try and make me memorize Black Sabbath lyrics, so I could recite them on command. FREEZE made me watch the 1st Nightmare on Elm Street, with him. I was SO scared of that movie. I would try to cover my eyes, and he would pin my arms down, so I couldn't cover them up. Yes, FREEZE tormented me. He would put my baby dolls head in the toilet and give her swirly's. I would cry so hard. My sister, (we'll call her MOUTH) used me as her guinnea pig for everything. She would put make up on me, style my hair, make me eat weird things, just to see my reaction. One time I remember, she wanted to practice hair cutting, (why?? i don't know) she used my bangs, and pretty much cut them as short as they could possiblely go. Needless to say, they spiked out from the middle of my forehead. Not very cute. I was 4, so I didn't care, but my mom wasn't happy. What can you do?

- I remember my parents would go away for the weekend, and my sister would throw parties. People drinking & partying. They always thought I was so cool, and I would sit and listen to their stories (I had No clue what they were saying). I would be wearing my footie pj's, with the zipper that goes from the feet to the neck. One morning I woke up and this guy was passed out on our stairs. He woke up. saying he had a hang over, and asked me to get him a drink. I went to the kitchen and concocted this drink. It had milk, an egg, some ketchup & mustard, pickle juice you name it (I was 4 & thought it would be like a surprise drink. Shit my sister made me eat weird stuff, I thought it was normal). I gave it to him, he smelled it, and threw up all over the stairs. Good Times!

- By being the youngest of 5. I demanded attention all the time. One day, everyone was home doing their thing, but not including me in. I kept pestering everybody, but that particular day, nobody was in the mood to baby mellow. So I decided I would teach them, and I ran away. I left the house (I was probably 5 1/2 yrs) and went down the street to my friends house. I stayed there until it got dark, so sure that everyone would be like, "Where is mellow?". I had only been gone for 2 hours at the most, but it felt like forever, and it was past dark. When I got back to my house, no one even knew I was gone. It sounds sad, but I wouldn't trade my whack family, for anything.

* Favorite show: Fraggle Rock
* Favorite thing to listen to: the Smurfs record it had a song that said "I'm a pink toothbrush, you're a blue toothbrush, come brush your teeth with me."
* Favorite toy: Popples these were those stuffed animalsthat you could fold into balls (& yes FREEZE put my Popples in the toilet too)
* Favorite piece of clothing: a Strawberry Shortcake magnetic clip belt (do you remember those belts!!)
* Favorite food: cheese & ketchup sandwiches
* Favorite things to do: tag along with FREEZE, swing on the playground , play with toys, play with friends etc- etc- etc-
* I had 2 dogs in the "wee days" a fuzzy white Husky named Sam & a "weiner" dog named Buster.