- Eye for an i ! !: to judge, or not to judge

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

to judge, or not to judge

Judging people is, I guess in our nature, but to tell you the truth I think it sucks. Every day there is judging. How you look, what you wear, what you say. To some extent, it is necessary to judge, so that you may be aware of those around you. For me, I am in a relationship, and I have a baby. However I am not married, and people tend to throw me the evil glare. Like I am this monster that has just killed someone. For me marriage isn't something you do just because you have a baby. I think that until someone has been in my shoes, they can not say anything about the decisions I make. Also, my baby is devolpmentally delayed. Which is a whole other issue ( I could go on forever). Right here is a situation totally open for judgement. What did she do (me), why isn't he doing this, how come he can't do that. I feel we are an open target for critism, and judgement. This I never realized, until I was faced with my present situation. People don't like what is not normal and the same. And they will point fingers very quickly. It's very sad when a total stranger, passes judgement on me or my son, and the fact is, that they would rather have it that way, than to simply ask why. Try to, instead of assuming, try asking. Or if that is uncomfortable, turn that judgement around in yourself. And ask how can I focus on myself, rather than notice what's different about others. I am doing everything I can for my baby, and no one has ever asked me about that. All people have feelings and we all just want to be loved.
* Sorry to be a downer, but I think & feel, therefore I write. *
a quote....."an eye for an eye, makes the whole world blind."