- Eye for an i ! !: Driving

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Ok, I am going to talk about driving today. My view on driving tends to change, depending on my mood. There are times where driving to me is a very big hassle. Especially on the freeways. It seems like a mutation of "stupid" drivers are emerging. They are those people who tailgate (the worst), those who don't use their blinker (annoying), and those who are too old to be driving (IRRITATING). Just to name a few. Now the tailgaters are my arch rival. If I wasn't afraid of the road rage epidemic, I would slam on my breaks or flip them the bird. Those who don't use their turn signals get an automatic "middle finger", just because there's a reason the turn signal was put in the car in the first place. The "too old to be driving" drivers, you just have to grit your teeth and pass. Later you can rant about how much you hate them, to a co-worker or someone.
Then, there are times when I feel like a "god" when I'm driving. When I have just the right music playing, & when I am wearing my sunglasses ( just got a pair and they are totally ROCK STAR). Times like these, I will sing to my heart's content, and lean back, and pass everyone. Times like these, make driving with the rest of those idiots, tolerable. And with a smile on my face, me, and my car are so cool (I have a mom car, a Mitsubishi, Outlander). My favorite driving music right now, is Eazy-E. Listening to Eazy-E and driving, gives me a rush ( I know I'm lame!).
It is inevitable that I must drive for the rest of my life. I just hope that I have more "god-like" driving days! (I hope that's not bad, I gave myself a "god-like" title while I'm driving. But that's how it feels) Drive safely, and buckle up!!! (I had to say that!)
Happy motoring!
a quote....."Your subconscious, is your burning hell" -- excerpt from 311's song 'Flowing'