- Eye for an i ! !: Where am I ??

Friday, March 04, 2005

Where am I ??

Sometimes I think to myself, am I alive. Am I really real? Then I realize I am real, because I feel (I know that rhymes). Days go by for me, like a fog. I am always working to work, or working to take care of someone or something. In a repetitive, & uncertain part of my life, I now feel that I-me-mellow, has been lost. I feel that my brain might explode from an overdose of this reality, in which I exist. Perhaps, I could get organized and stand up, like a pillar of strength. A tall, well constructed pillar, so I have a definitive view. But in my reality, it's better to be numb, somewhat disengaged. I am always there. ALWAYS. But I-mellow am gone. Maybe I have taken a long nap. A nap in which I desperately want to awake. I-mellow, can be emotional and over analytical. This is my gift and my downfall. To care, and to care too much. My reality requires a consistency I had never known. A process by which, I became robotic. Digesting more and more input. Working to live, helping to live, and learning to live. I sometimes forget, why I am doing this. I miss me-mellow-I. Maybe someday, this message will be clear to me. I just hope that a life, this life, my life, won't be forgotten. I can love so much, but it scares me. And I can be a blast, but I feel undeserving. Will I change. I am open, and ready for my future, whatever it might bring. I am a self less, optomistic, pupil. Eager to learn how my creation lives through me. In that, I will never be forgotten.
a quote......."The question should be, is it worth trying to do, not can it be done. "