- Eye for an i ! !: Pass the dutchy from the left hand side

Monday, March 07, 2005

Pass the dutchy from the left hand side

Ok, I am going to write this, so that I can get feed back (maybe). The focus on this post will be the legalization of marijuana. Now by me throwing this out, I don't want to be labeled a "pothead" . However there was a time where I was. I am much older now, and I'm not putting things off, to sit around and get stoned. I will admit that I enjoy to smoke a little here and there. It relieves my stress, and helps me sleep (two problems I should address in themselves, but I don't feel it's necessary). I don't smoke in my house, and I don't even smoke that often, but if I can I will.
Now I feel that marijuana should be legal for many reasons. First off, it could be taxed and made profit for this ever increasing deficit our country has. I mean, doesn't it make sense? It would eliminate the need for a drug dealer (which in itself causes crime and violence). Who needs another ass clown, sitting around, making money off something like this instead of finding a real job. But who am I to talk, I am sponsoring this behavior. Second reason is that the hemp plant is more durable and just as useful (if not more) than the cotten plant. You can make pretty much anything with hemp. Third reason is that it can be burned as a fuel source. It has been found that the marijuana seed if burned and the right temperature, is one of the cleanest forms of burning fuel. Virtually leaving no exhaust & easier to obtain. It beats going to war, and killing a whole bunch of people, to have access to our fuel source. (and NO the exhaust isn't like when you smoke weed, it isn't going to get you stoned). Fourth reason is the medicinal uses. Marijuana could replace quite a few drugs out there, leaving less adverse effects on the patient. Who should decide that a cancer patient can't smoke a joint to ease the nauseous feeling they have from their chemo. Not me. I can't imagine dealing with that and I say puff away. These are a few of my points to justify my reasoning.
I feel, personally that I should be able to enjoy this. I work very hard, and have been there for 3 1/2 years. I pay my bills, and I pay taxes, and I am raising my son in a stressful situation. I have issues in my love life (which could drive anyone to smoke a fatty). At some point, when my son reaches a certain age, I can not partake in this as a way of "mellowing" out. I don't want him to see me do that. But at this point he is completely unware. Maybe it's my way of dealing with the curves life throws. I don't drink (hardly ever) & I don't do other drugs (I'm too old & and have too many things important to me). So this is my justification. Why is it legal to get wasted on alcohol, but not get a buzz from a joint? This is my question. Marijuana is portrayed as this evil "drug" that will cause you to go crazy. Under the proper abiding laws, it could be one of the best things for our country (in my opinion).
Tell me what you think. I could be totally missing the obvious, but these are my thoughts on the matter. Inquiring minds would like to know! Peace bloggers & pleasant dreams!!
a quote......".Those who make peacful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."